Free Consultation

Let’s get together and talk about your technology

We get it…they say nothing is free, right? Wrong, in this case it is absolutely free. We are happy to have a conversation with you about your business to see if we can help you with your technology needs. This is not a high pressure bait and switch. If you need help or we see ways we can help benefit your business, we will offer that to you if it makes sense and you are agreeable. We build relationships and this is how it starts…an excellent experience right out of the gate!

There is no obligation

We don’t do meetings with a pushy sales person (we know how annoying that is) or someone who only speaks tech-jargon. We’d rather you consult with someone who can actually give you helpful advice and recommendations to improve the way your business handles technology. That’s IT the way it should be!

We’ll gladly discuss anything you may need regarding technology, but here are some ideas and questions you can ask us:

Some of my computers are slow, can they be fixed or do I need to upgrade?

Are there immediate security risks that threaten my network that I should know about?

How would my business adopt the cloud, and what would the benefits be?

I’m nervous that my data backup solution isn’t doing it’s job, how can I know for sure?

Can you add value to my current IT team?

And anything else you may have questions about. We are here to help!

Start doing IT the proactive way with PTI Golf Consulting

Sign up today for a free consultation

To get started, fill out the form, or for a more personal touch, reach out to us at 740.501.0287.